Saturday, May 5, 2012


First of all, 17 is my lucky number. Second of all, 17 is how many days until I leave the country!! Wow time is flying!!!

Today is Cinco De Mayo, which doesn't have any relevance to the Dominican Republic, butttttt it does have relevance to the fact that I make really great tacos! So tonight I am throwing a fundraiser, where I'm making tons of tacos for money for my trip!!I've had about 22 RSVP's so I'm very excited, and praying for more than 22 people. The more the merrier!! :)

I have had amazing feedback from my letters which I am so thankful for!! But, I'm not quite there yet.

Yesterday, I found out that the cost of my project went from $3,900 to $4,300 because of the airfare. So yesterday, I went from needing to raise $900 to $1,300. Wasn't quite ready for that news, but I am now. Considering God is the one who is sending me on this trip, I have no doubt in my mind that He will be the provider of the extra $400 I need!

Right now is where all of you reading this come in. I need your help!! I'm humbled to announce that I need your prayers! I can't do this on my own. Please pray for me and my team. That we would be fully funded by May 24th, and that God would not only prepare for us the money, but prepare our hearts. We are all facing finals and the stress that comes with that along with the anxiety of support raising and international traveling to a country that is in desperate need of God's light.

Also, if you or anyone you know would like to support me on my project, I would greatly appreciate it. I don't want to put my telephone number online, but I can link you to my facebook where you can message me. This is my facebook page:

Oh, and there is way to give online, so if you would like that information, let me know!! 

Thank you all so much for your prayers! 

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