Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Miércoles Feliz!

Happy Wednesday :)

Today was our third day on campus! And it has been SO amazing!! The Dominicans are so welcoming and always want to talk to you! I have not been denied a conversation, or a spiritual conversation for that matter, by any one. People love to talk about God and love to share their life with you! I guess you could say there's no such thing as strangers here!

Today though was a very cool day for me. All semester long I had been really struggling with perfection. I don't know why, but looking back I am so thankful that I did. One thing that God really taught me this past semester was the fact that I am not perfect, and He did not create me to be. He revealed that a lot to me over the past the semester and today, I found out why. I spoke to a boy who was very confused about sin and God's love. He didn't think that he deserved to go to heaven even though he believed in God... anyways long story short I got to share with him my struggle with perfection this semester and what God says about that. It was SOOOO cool! Kinda like I was paying it forward!

But honestly it's been cool to see how God is using me so far. I wasn't really sure why He brought me here because I don't know much Spanish... but He is using me despite that. And the cool thing is... it's only our first Wednesday!!

I'm loving this place!! The culture is so inviting and exciting. Oh and it's so hot and I walk and sweat so much I've decided I will be eating ice cream or frozen yogurt every night. Ya, so far, I've stuck to that decision. Not hard to do though :)

Oh my other favorite thing is the fruit and the coconut water!! Fresh off the street!!
I hope I make some baseball player friends so I can play... that would be legen...waitforit...dary!!!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Mothers Day?

Well it's Mother's Day here in the DR. I guess that means my mom gets two cards? Just kidding... but I did wish her Happy Mothers Day again. Yes, I am a total suck up.

A lot has happened in our first few days. I'm not always going to be able to remember everything or even remember to write on this here blog, but I have some down time now. Therefore, it's time to take advantage of said down time.

Yesterday we had an amazing adventure. Saturday's are our free days so we all wanted to explore our new temporary home of course. We started with a trip to the grocery store. We got to take the subway there which was cool because I had no idea that even existed here. Oh, and the metro is SUPER clean. Quite the polar opposite of the city. The grocery store was difficult for me... everything is in pesos, obviously, so converting is confusing. Sidenote: Gas is around 230 Pesos. I freaked out when I saw the price of gas! I thought it was in U.S. dollars and was so confused... It was late when I saw the first gas station so I was a little delirious. Anyways, after the grocery store we adventured the city. The beach is too polluted to swim in which is a total bummer, but we walked to local beach park thingy and played spikeball. Yes spikeball has made it to the DR. We made some friends with an awesome parkour team and had a Dominican dinner at Adrian Tropical. I love the culture here! It's amazing!! But one thing that's sad is the pollution. It's not just downtown but everywhere. The beach is piled with trash which breaks my heart. Especially cause all I want to do right now is dive into the ocean... today is mui caliente.

So today was our first adventure to church. First of 5 adventures. This was a very long adventure. The church service lasted 3 hours! That is a long time sitting and listening to a language that you don't understand. I had no idea what was going on. But it was very interesting. They had dancers and a raffle for all of the wonderful mamas! Considering I couldn't really understand the message I decided to take the time to pray... I did have three hours. I prayed a lot for the country and the campus and one thing in particular... deciphering why God has brought me here. I have no idea yet... but I'm on track to understanding. I read through Romans 6 which talked a lot about being alive in Christ and being used by God. I don't know exactly why I'm here yet,  and I may not even find out while I'm here, but this I do know: I am God's instrument. (Romans 6:13) and He has called me here to be used for His glory.

I am so excited for tomorrow, it's our first day of campus ministry!!

Wow I wrote a lot. Oh and one more thing. I have an obsession with Bon. It is a frozen yogurt place that takes fresh fruit and blends it all together with tart yogurt. Helllooo comfort food! SO GOOD!

Well, Happy Mother's Day I guess :)
Mucho Amor

Friday, May 25, 2012

¡Enséñame más!

Teach me more!!!

This is all I've been saying lately!

The DR so far has been a whirlwind of an adventure. Here's how it goes:

We left our briefing at Hope International University Thursday May 24 at 3:45 AM. After extreneous waiting at LAX we finally took off at around 11 am... I think.. I fell asleep. But this flight was supposed to leave at 9. That is where the problem began because our flight from Miami to Santo Domingo was supposed to leave at 7... considering the time change that's when we actually arrived to Miami. Anyways a whole lot of stress and confusion later... we made it to Miami and our connecting flight to the DR... and now I am here!!! Our luggage of course did not want to make it easy on us and half of us, including me just received our luggage about 45 minutes ago. HURRAY! I don't think you understand how amazing it feels to brush your teeth after a day... ya I just wrote that. Confessions of a summertime missionary?

Anyways, the country is AMAZING! The country is crazy and unorganized and a little bit messy... but nothing I can't handle. I mean pina for 25 pesos? YES PLEASE!!! Of course I am going to mention the food... it's so cheap! and SO good!

We toured the campus today with students from Vida Estudentil, which means student life. That is the Cru movement that have at the Universidad. They are awesome!! I do not know Spanish... at all. But all of the students (and all of my team members) have been so helpful. I actually would not even know how to say "teach me more" in Spanish if it wasn't for Jason, my team member.

I am loving the DR so much already!! God is totally moving in me and the students and I am excited to see what He does in the coming weeks. I am learning so much about my comfort and the comfort of Jesus. I kinda came to the realization that God is with me everywhere I go.... Ya I know they teach that in Sunday School... but sometimes when you try to do things on your own it's easy to forget that God is in control.

So for now, I am going to Holdfast to the strength and the love that I have in Christ and pray. Pray that the amount of bug bites (which I just got my first one) stays to a minimum.

Buenos Noches :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I leave the country for 6 weeks!


God has been so faithful and I am so excited to see what He is going to do in the weeks to come!

My team is amazing and we are bonding so well already! It's going to be a great trip! I'm seriously so ready to be used, HERE WE GO!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I can't believe it

Time is flying by!!!

In just two days I will be in Fullerton for briefing! I'm not fully supported yet... but I'll get there... I'm strangely calm about it!!

Anyways I'm packing right now, and my room is a total disaster. It's scary. And my suitcase... I can't seem to get it under 50 pounds. UHHOHH. Thats no bueno. I've taken out SO MUCH already... Theres not much more I can do... I'm praying I make it though... otherwise I'll have to carry on my undies or something.

Anyways, I am SO excited. I can't believe how fast this semester has gone by and how amazingly encouraged I feel heading into this trip. Everyone I talk to has nothing but good things to say... but I hear one thing a lot. You're going to come back and really see how good you have it here. I know that's the truth, but I also know that's why we're bringing the truth to this country.

I can't wait for the adventures ahead! Stay tuned for more... The journey has just begun!!


Sunday, May 13, 2012

1 week

1 week, 1,000 dollars.

Yep, that's where I'm at. Well, actually its more like $1,041.65. That's truly where I'm at.

At this point I'm nervous. Freaking out is more appropriate to say actually. But, I'm trusting that God will do it. If it's God's will, He'll pay the bill.

So, I'm trusting that He will do it.

"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Monday, May 7, 2012

2 Weeks

Time is flying by! 2 weeks from now I will be packing my bags for battle and heading to Fullerton for briefing.

Yes, I did say battle. I am leaving for a place that is in desperate need of light, and me and my team have a particular fight, to fight. One with darkness. Not just the darkness that looms over this country and the hearts that we are meant to touch, but the darkness that secretly looms in our hearts. The darkness of anxiety, fear, selfishness, and comfort. All things that as much as I want to deny I don't face daily, I do. Leaving the U.S. for six weeks is beyond scary. Sure I moved away to college, but at least I'm still in California. I'm leaving the country. That's been my mantra lately. It repeats in my brain, over and over again, which is where the anxiety, fear, selfishness, and comfort play a role.

I'm anxious because I have so much to do these next 2 weeks. I'm fearful that I may not get it all done, and fearful still that my support needs will not be met. I'm fearful to step out of my comfort zone, and fearful that my selfishness will prevail, as much as I hope to suppress it. I need to remember that this trip is not about me. It's not about my comfort in a new country whatsoever, in all honesty it's about the opposite. It's about my ability to step out, and do hard things for Jesus. I'm going to the Dominican Republic to proclaim the gospel, and to bring a light to the college students and future leaders of this dark country.

This is a lot to think about. But, it is what I need to think about these next 2 weeks. This is what I need to pray about these next 2 weeks, and what I need prayer for these next 2 weeks.

I'm ready for the challenges that are coming my way, I'm ready to take them on with Jesus by my side.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


First of all, 17 is my lucky number. Second of all, 17 is how many days until I leave the country!! Wow time is flying!!!

Today is Cinco De Mayo, which doesn't have any relevance to the Dominican Republic, butttttt it does have relevance to the fact that I make really great tacos! So tonight I am throwing a fundraiser, where I'm making tons of tacos for money for my trip!!I've had about 22 RSVP's so I'm very excited, and praying for more than 22 people. The more the merrier!! :)

I have had amazing feedback from my letters which I am so thankful for!! But, I'm not quite there yet.

Yesterday, I found out that the cost of my project went from $3,900 to $4,300 because of the airfare. So yesterday, I went from needing to raise $900 to $1,300. Wasn't quite ready for that news, but I am now. Considering God is the one who is sending me on this trip, I have no doubt in my mind that He will be the provider of the extra $400 I need!

Right now is where all of you reading this come in. I need your help!! I'm humbled to announce that I need your prayers! I can't do this on my own. Please pray for me and my team. That we would be fully funded by May 24th, and that God would not only prepare for us the money, but prepare our hearts. We are all facing finals and the stress that comes with that along with the anxiety of support raising and international traveling to a country that is in desperate need of God's light.

Also, if you or anyone you know would like to support me on my project, I would greatly appreciate it. I don't want to put my telephone number online, but I can link you to my facebook where you can message me. This is my facebook page:

Oh, and there is way to give online, so if you would like that information, let me know!! 

Thank you all so much for your prayers! 